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While, the cause of Justice can be local, its ramifications affect all of us, sooner or later. That is because, Justice is the very thread that weaves together the fabric of our communities, and our world. In other words, these timeless words of wisdom from Dr. King, are true:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice, everywhere.”

Fortunately, the fundamental principles of Justice are also the core of ethical, moral and competent lawyering. In fact, Lawyers’ oath contains some variation of the following mandates, and more:
Lawyers must eternally serve their clients with passion, and heartfelt devotion; guard their confidences till death do them part. And always remember that they are officers of the court of law—thus, they must advance the cause of Justice.
Lawyers must also remember that law is intended to protect the poor as well as the rich, the unpopular and the loathed as much as the popular, and the admired.
Here, at Chosen Lawyers, we never lose sight of our quest for Justice. This is why, we only choose Leading-Lawyers, who possess warriors’ spirit, creative minds, caring hearts, and down-to-earth personalities.

To Chosen Lawyers , words such as humility, integrity and compassion are not mere nouns: They are powerful verbs, with immense impacts—on everything we do.
In fact, lawyers whose hearts do not tremble with every Injustice, or if their egos are too big to care about the communities they serve; we believe, they are too little to be Chosen Lawyers. Because, as the prolific buzz-marketing master and now philosopher, Ryan Holliday, said:

“Ego is the Enemy.”

This belief unites us, directs us, protects us and most often corrects us—every step of the way.



We ask progressive and courageous leader-lawyers, judges, and caring people of all callings, to join us in this worthy cause—and extend a helping hand to the young people, who’ve had a run-in with the law; or they are victims of abuse, poverty and violence. Let’s help them find solace in the fact that we are with them via exemplary guidance, and meaningful presence.
This invaluable support is much needed—because no one can heal or indeed be healed—in isolation! It takes a caring community to heal the deep emotional wounds of an individual.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause.”

We ask progressive and courageous leader-lawyers, judges, and caring people of all callings, to join us in this worthy cause—and extend a helping hand to the young people, who’ve had a run-in with the law; or they are victims of abuse, poverty and violence. Let’s help them find solace in the fact that we are with them via exemplary guidance, and meaningful presence.
This invaluable support is much needed—because no one can heal or indeed be healed—in isolation! It takes a caring community to heal the deep emotional wounds of an individual.




Every year, millions of accidents happen on our highways and byways. Many of these preventable collisions occur, because of falling objects from unsafe vehicles or unsecured cargos.
According, to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2016 alone, a whopping 90,266 accidents were caused by debris falling from vehicles; or junks strewn on our roads. These preventable incidents seriously injured 19,663 human beings: 683 of them fatal.

According to research, the trajectory force of a 7-pounds object, slamming into another vehicle, at the speed of 70 miles per hour, is equivalent to the force of a 700-pounds—falling rock!
In one incident, a small piece of metal, which was dislodged from an unsafe vehicle, slammed into the windshield of a 29-year-old driver—impaling him to death! Due to this horrendous tragedy, his vehicle veered off onto the oncoming traffic almost killing his wife.
These tragic accidents can be averted if all of us pay a little more attention to securing our cargo—make sure our vehicles are road worthy—and safe. In other words,

“an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure!”

Are you ready to help us unclog our roads and save lives? If so, please join us as a volunteer for the “Clean for Cause ” program. Together, we can make our roads safer, and our world cleaner, one piece of debris, at a time.



Driving an unsafe vehicle with falling parts or unsecured cargo could make the driver and/or the owner liable: civilly, and sometimes, criminally. For instance, California Law says:

“It is against the law to operate on the highway a vehicle which is improperly covered, constructed, or loaded so that any part of its contents or load spills, drops, leaks, blows, sifts, or in any other way escapes from the vehicle.”

-- (CVC §§23114 and 23115)

Additionally, Federal Laws require that any bungee cords, fasteners, anchors, tie-down-straps, or any other instruments utilized for securing cargos, must meet certain performance standards. When such devices are defective due to design or manufacturing, a product liability cause of action may arise against the manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer of such products. At Chosen Lawyers , we are intent on helping everyone learn their legal rights and responsibilities. We even stoop to scoop after those who scape our prudence. And our superb Chosen Lawyers are ready, willing and able to help you hold negligent operators and/or owners—including mega corporations and manufacturers—liable for injuries and damages they have caused you and your companions.



If you wish to become the positive change you want to see in your community and our world, please join us.

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