Accidente De Bicicleta

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According to most state laws, bicycles are considered vehicles, which means they have the same rights and responsibilities as other vehicle operators. Unfortunately, riding a bicycle on our car-infested roads has become a dangerous ordeal. Many careless drivers fail to pay proper attention around bicycle riders; or blatantly choose to ignore them. On the other hand, many bicyclists often violate the law by not stopping at traffic lights, stop signs, or carelessly riding against traffic or worse, zigzagging amongst vehicles in our congested roads, streets and avenues. According to the Highway Safety Association between 2010 and 2012, U.S. bicyclist deaths increased by 16%. With 338 cyclists killed in the same period, California is our Union’s Bicycle Death Capital. Sadly, California’s bicycle death per capita is 40% higher than the national average. And many more California bicyclists—more than 10,000—are seriously injured in crashes every year.

Lack of helmet and use of alcohol and other drugs contribute to many bicyclist deaths and grave injuries. In 2012, for instance, more than two-third of bicyclists, who lost their lives, were not wearing helmets; and 28% of riders age 16 and older had blood alcohol level of .08% or higher, which is considered impaired.
Here at Chosen Lawyers, we ask all bikers and drivers to share the roads responsibly. It is better to arrive late than never or with a neck brace… Unfortunately, accidents do happen to any of us, and at a moment least expected. Holding those responsible for our damages is a fundamental and essential choice. Make Your Choice the Right Choice! If you are injured or a loved one has died in a bike riding incident, please call Chosen Lawyers right away. Chosen Lawyers can delineate your Rights and Responsibilities and do what it takes to obtain Full and Fair Justice for you. Go ahead, click or call Chosen Lawyers now. Together we can drive a fair settlement.


While biking, if you get hit and injured by a truck, bus or automobile, you should seek immediate medical care.  And if possible, before you leave the scene:

  • Get the contact information of the at-fault driver, as well as any witnesses who were in the area at the time of the accident;
  • Use your phone to take pictures of the scene, including your injuries, your bike, and the car that hit you;
  • Call the police, so he or she can file an official accident report;
  • Make sure, you talk to your Chosen Lawyer before speaking to the insurance companies: especially the insurance company representing the at-fault driver;
  • As you may know, California is a pure comparative negligence state. This means that even if you were 90% at fault, but your injuries are way more than the other party, you could be recovering a considerable amount of compensation. 
  • Please remember, you should never talk to insurance agents, adjusters or investigators before talking to your Chosen Lawyer.  That is because whatever you say about the accident to the opposing parties or your friends or your cousin Vinny may be used against you, and reduce the amount of your recovery;
  • Keep track of the any costs associated with repairing or replacing your bicycle; days off work; medical and incidental costs, etc.

You should also contact a Competent, Credible and Compassionate Chosen Bicycle Accident Lawyer, right away. Your Chosen Lawyer not only will inform you of your rights and duties, but also help you get the needed medical attention—even if you do not have medical insurance. Chosen Lawyers can put you in contact with some of the best healthcare providers, who will immediately evaluate the extent of your injuries and tend to your medical needs. 

In most cases, the medical professionals will treat you on a lien basis, which means, they will provide you the needed medical care, and wait for payment, until your case is settled with the Insurance Company.

Go ahead, click or call Chosen Lawyers now, and let them obtain Full Justice for You.


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