At Chosen Lawyers, we thrive on Passionately Protect, Diligently Defend and Progressively Expand our Clients and Communities Rights and Liberties. And We need Your Help to Amplify our Collective Voice, and Solidify our Resolved Actions. If You are a Compassionate Member of the Traditional Media, or an Innovative Influencer for Justice or a Disrupter of Dictatorial Conformity in our Global Village, We Appreciate Your Help to Spread the Word. Your camaraderie in our collective stance for the peoples’ rights, creating awareness and educational campaigns to help the helpless, defenseless and the voiceless is much needed and appreciated. Please tell us a little about yourself and your mission. We love to hear from you, because as the blind yet visionary sage, Helen Keller, said: "Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much." Thank You