La Lesión Catastrófica

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Catastrophic injury is referred to a life-altering physical, emotional or mental injury, which happens unexpectedly as a result of an accident, incident or intentional wrongdoing. Most Catastrophic Injuries are permanent occurrences with little chance of full-recovery. Clearly, the wrongdoers who negligently or intentionally have caused such devastations must be held accountable. This is why the Tort Law mandates wrongdoers to make the victims “Whole Again.”

Since we cannot undo the past, and the dogma of “Thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye…” is too barbaric, we must make wrongdoers pay for all damages they caused—Sometimes tens of millions of dollars. If you or a loved-one are facing Catastrophic Injuries, give Chosen Lawyers a call or click. Chosen Lawyers helped many other human beings, just like you, obtain millions of dollars for their past, present and future damages. And they are ready, willing and able to Powerfully Protect Your Rights, The Right Way, Right Away.

All you have to do is click or call, and Chosen lawyers will come to your home, hospital or anywhere else that is convenient for you. Your Case Evaluation is absolutely Free and Confidential. And You don’t have to Pay a Penny, until— Together—We Win!


Here are some of the various types of catastrophic injuries and illnesses:

  • Blindness
  • Paralysis
  • Deafness
  • Amputation
  • Spinal Cord Damages
  • Disfigurement,
  • Deformity
  • Brain Injury
  • Heat Stroke
  • Multiple Fractures
  • Organ Damage
  • Neurological Damage
  • Severe Burns
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrests
  • Cancer, Mesothelioma & other chronic illnesses


The most common causes of Catastrophic Injuries are:

  • Vehicular Accidents & Crashes;
  • Workplace Accidents;
  • Sports Accidents;
  • Violence;
  • Toxic Exposures;
  • Medical Negligence or Malpractice;
  • Defective Products;
  • Dangerous Drugs;

What are the types of compensation for catastrophic injuries

In addition to debilitating pain and suffering, some Catastrophic Injuries profoundly diminish victims’ quality of life, and bring a life-long burden upon their families. This is why, calculating the accurate extent of past, present and future damages to the victims and their families requires experience, diligence, skills and human compassion. When someone intentionally or negligently causes another person’s Catastrophic Injuries, they must pay for all injuries that they’ve caused. This is why, the people are forced or finagled into buying the Expensive Insurance Policies. Unfortunately, the Insurance Corporations are created to make Profit, lots of it. Paying an injured person does not make them money. So, they use any tricks they can think of to unreasonably delay, frivolously defend and unfairly deny the injured person’s rightful and lawful claims. Fortunately, the Superb Chosen Trial Lawyers can make a world of difference, because they know all of the Insurance Corporations tricks. Chosen Lawyers prepare every single case step-by-step in anticipation of trial. So, when they send their demand letters to Insurance Corporations, they don’t respond with their low-ball counter offer games. They know if they go to court, they’ll have to pay much more, so they attempt to settle fast for their policy limits.

Insurance Corporations track all Catastrophic Injury Lawyers and know which one is bluffing, which one is prepared to convince a jury and win big. This is why, in serious injury cases, you must not make your decisions based on the pesky Billboards or the deceptive YouTube Ads making all kinds of empty and false promises. You need a Chosen Trial Lawyer with a superb support staff to prepare your story properly, and tell it convincingly. Chosen Trial Lawyers are Your Best Friends, When Friends are Hard to Find.”

If you or a loved-one are facing Catastrophic Injuries, give Chosen Lawyers a call or click. Chosen Lawyers helped many other human beings just like you obtain millions of dollars for their past, present and future damages. And they are ready, willing and able to Powerfully Protect Your Rights, The Right Way, Right Away.

All you have to do is click or call, and Chosen lawyers will come to your home, hospital or anywhere else that is convenient for you. Your Case Evaluation is absolutely Free and Confidential. And You don’t have to Pay a Penny, until— Together—We Win!


The spinal cord contains all the nerves that carry messages between our brains and bodies. A Spinal Cord Injury could cause paralysis and many other debilitating, painful and lingering ailments. Unfortunately, many Neck and Spinal Cord Injuries may not be visible right away. And if they are not treated timely and properly by competent healthcare professionals, they could, literally, become a lifelong pain in the neck and ass! The National Spinal Cord Injury Center gathers some statistical data on Spinal Injury Causes. Here is the percentage for some of the causes of Spinal Injuries:

  • Vehicular Accidents (responsible for 42.1% of spinal cord injuries)
  • Violent acts, such as weapons wounds (15.1%)
  • Falls (26.7%)
  • Sports Activities (7.6%).

Every year thousands of people fall victims to Devastating Catastrophic Injuries. The Spinal Cord Injury alone makes about 20,000 lives miserable, every year. If you or a loved one have sustained any type of catastrophic injuries in any type of incidents, please click or call Chosen Lawyers for a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL case evaluation. The highly Competent, Credible and Compassionate Chosen Lawyers are ready to help you heal and obtain the Full Compensation you deserve.


Most Spinal Cord injury lawsuits are based on Tort Doctrine of “Negligence.” In such cases, your Chosen Lawyer will have to prove that the “defendant” (the party you are suing) is legally “at fault.” This is a highly technical and complex process, which may require expert testimony, artist rendition of how the injury happened and to what extent, and so on. Moreover, dealing with bad faith arguments from Big Insurance Bullies and their armies of well-paid lawyers, who vigorously try to unreasonably delay, frivolously defend or unfairly deny paying your just deserts, is an uphill battle for the unrepresented or underrepresented.


Here is a general list of compensation that a catastrophically injured person could be entitled to:

  • Medical Bills: including past, present and future treatments;
  • Lost Wages: including past, present and future earnings;
  • Pain and Suffering: Including past, present and future discomfort, pain and suffering;
  • Loss of Consortium: This damage is calculated based on loss of quality of life—spousal deprivation, etc.;
  • Loss of Ability to enjoy life with children, spouse, parents, siblings and other loved ones;
  • Punitive Damages, if the acts were intentional and egregious;
  • Emotional Distress, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and more.

A Catastrophic Injury victim is entitled to the above and more compensation. However, being entitled does not mean the Insurance Corporations will write a check. Your Chosen Lawyers must prove who is legally liable and why the victim is entitled to millions of dollars in compensations. This is where the Science of great Lawyering comes together with the Art of Great Oratory and Convincing Arguments. A true Win is when a Victim is turned into a Victor by being rewarded FULL and FAIR Compensation for ALL of their Lifelong needs, and more, but never less.


Statute of Limitations is a law that sets a time limit on all Tort Claims. Therefore, Injury Victims have a certain window of time, generally 2 years from the date of injury, to file their claims in a court of law or forever they will be barred from Justice. However, if the wrongdoer was a Government Entity such a Hospital or Law Enforcement, the window of time is only 6 months; and there are stringent procedures that must be adhered to.

It is always to your advantage to know your rights and responsibilities right away. At Chosen Lawyers we have some of the most Competent, Committed and Credible Catastrophic Injury Trial Lawyers in the country. Remember, when it comes to Personal Injury, if you snooze, you lose. So, go ahead click or call Chosen Lawyers, now. They are ready to help you start your healing with some of the best medical professionals, while they prepare your case for the best possible recovery mandated by Law, Right Away!


Nos puede visitar en su casa, oficina, hospital o en cualquier lugar que usted prefiera—Fast & Gratis!

Cuando se trata de Asuntos Legales, el Tiempo es importante.

Elegido de Abogados litigantes de América son más Poderosos Defensores de la Justicia Plena!


Que pagar nada Hasta que ganemos!

Conoce Tus Derechos Y Responsabilidades De Inmediato-¡Gratis!

    NO hay TARIFAS Hasta GANAR

    Let's go get 'em!

    Elegido Abogados representan a todos el camino a la cima de la montaña de la Justicia Plena en un Base De Contingencia. Esta es la única manera de que la Gente ordinaria puede defender sus Derechos en contra de la multimillonaria Industria de los Seguros, los Gobiernos y otros Mega Las corporaciones, que tienen un ejército de Potencia-Abogados bajo su mando y control.