Uber & Lyft Accidentes

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Have you been injured, assulted, raped, harassed, discriminated against or a loved one died while riding in uber, lyft or other ride sharing vehicles?

NOT EVERY LAWYER IS THE RIGHT LAWYER FOR RIDE-SHARE WRONGS The new ways of ride sharing raise new questions about injuries and liabilities. Prior to this unprecedented growth in ride sharing concepts, if one needed a ride, they would hire a taxi or other professional means of transportation. Today, corporations such as Uber and Lyft have blurred the professional transportation lines. And this has become a big problem for everyone’s safety. In addition to major accidents, there are numerous reports of assault, battery and even sexual assaults and rapes committed by some of these untrained and unprofessional drivers. The integral question is, who is liable for injuries that a passenger sustains while in a Lyft, Uber or other affiliated vehicles? Legally speaking, a number of parties involved in a ride sharing accident could be held liable. For instance, the at-fault drivers and their insurance companies could be held to account. In addition, the injured party may be able to look into Uber or Lyft or other Corporations’ insurance coverages as well for the drivers’ negligent or intentional wrongs. If you’ve been injured in any type of incident involving Ride Sharing Corporations, please click or call Chosen Lawyers, right away! You can obtain a professional assessment of your case, CONFIDENTIALLY and FREE! Chosen lawyers are with you from Start-to-Success!


The issue that makes dealing with ride sharing accidents or intentional wrongs more complex is the fact that many ride sharing drivers probably won’t have commercial or even sufficient personal car insurance policy that can cover a victim’s serious injuries or death.  Moreover, Insurance Corporations have many boilerplate provisions called “Business Use Exceptions” clauses, which exculpate them, if the insured vehicle is used for commercial purposes, such as Uber or Lyft.  So, who is responsible for the injured passengers in ride sharing vehicles?  Uber and Lyft corporations are required to carry third party liability insurance coverage, which generally pays up to $1 million dollars for personal injuries and property damage per accident. These policies will often only kick in after the ride sharing driver’s own insurance has been exhausted.  If the ride sharing driver does not have sufficient insurance to cover the liabilities or does not have insurance coverage at all, then the ride sharing company’s Uninsured or Underinsured Insurance Coverage could be held liable.  Ride sharing corporations could also be held liable for the intentional torts of assault, battery, discrimination, rape or sexually harassment of the passengers. Another issue that causes complication in ride sharing accidents is the fact that Uber and Lyft Corporations try to avoid responsibility under Independent Contractor Provisions. Often, Uber or Lyft argue that drivers are not their employees, but rather they are independent contractors. 

This important distinction, if accepted by the court, could become an insult upon injuries of the passengers. That is because employees’ negligence or other wrong doings during the scope of employment vicariously implicate employers as well, while it is not the case with independent contractors.  In order to find the right parties to be held fully liable and to argue effectively that the ride sharing company is liable, you need a Capable, Credible and Compassionate Chosen Ride Sharing Lawyer. So, if you’ve been injured, assaulted, raped, harassed, or discriminated against in any type of incidents involving Ride Sharing vehicles or a loved one has been killed, please click or call Chosen lawyers and know your rights, right away! The Experienced and Diligent Chosen Lawyers will let you know of your rights and responsibilities absolutely free and without any obligation. Should you decide to hire a Chosen Lawyer, they will help you seek the best medical care available so you can heal; and they will deal with everything else. Why Settle for Anything Less? 


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    Elegido Abogados representan a todos el camino a la cima de la montaña de la Justicia Plena en un Base De Contingencia. Esta es la única manera de que la Gente ordinaria puede defender sus Derechos en contra de la multimillonaria Industria de los Seguros, los Gobiernos y otros Mega Las corporaciones, que tienen un ejército de Potencia-Abogados bajo su mando y control.