Chosen Lawyers is all about You, Your Loved Ones, and the Superb Lawyers that Care!
Over two decades ago, we started developing Chosen Lawyers with the goal of transforming the concept of “EQUALITY UNDER LAW and JUSTICE FOR ALL,” from aspiring words to inspiring missions—one injured human being at a time.
After arduous amounts of research and study of our justice system, conferring with a multitude of the best-trial lawyers in the country, and dealing with thousands of injured people, we found the following to be the most troublesome impediments on the path to Full Justice:

Many injured people settle their cases for a fraction of their true value; because they don’t know their rights and responsibilities; or
They fall victim to criminal cappers and runners, who sell their cases to incompetent attorneys, who add insult to their injuries; or
They become numbers in law-mills, which turn their valuable cases to lowball-settlements, because they must pay for their own expensive Billboards, TV and Internet Advertising; or
They do not seek proper and timely medical care, or wait for far too long in contacting a Capable, Credible and Compassionate Trial Lawyer specializing in their type of injury.
In our extensive research, we also found that True Trial Lawyers are Fierce and Wise Warriors for Justice, who are hard-at-work protecting their Clients’ Interests in Courts of Law, rather than plastering their faces on tacky billboards and self-aggrandizing advertising that tarnish our noble profession. After these important discoveries, we decided to find viable ways of accurately educating the people; meaningfully empower them with carefully Chosen Trial Lawyers; and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in pursuit of FULL JUSTICE, from Start-to-Success.

We started this mission by picking the name “Chosen Lawyers;” because we believe the name of a Law Firm should represent what it stands for, and not somebody’s first or last name. Clearly, Chosen Lawyers embodies who we are, what we do, how and why we do it. Then, we interviewed hundreds of lawyers, and chose a roster of Trial Lawyers that are Capable, Credible and Compassionate Advocates. These Warriors for Justice are consistently recovering millions of dollars for their clients. Their unyielding-integrity, unparalleled-talents, unwavering-diligence, and colossal-humility have made them such powerful advocates that are highly respected by judges, clearly understood by juries, and morbidly feared by insurance cartels and governments. Our Chosen Lawyers do not settle cases on the cheap. They carefully and comprehensively examine the facts and circumstances of each case. They make sure that their clients receive the best medical-care they need-to-heal. And they litigate each case vigorously from Start-to-Success.

In order to accurately inform the people of their rights and responsibilities, we’ve developed the world’s first and only Interactive, Multilingual, Visual Legal Lexicon (IMVLL). This one-of-a-kind educational system combines technological innovations with infinite creativity in order to accurately define each legal term via vividly simple examples; and empower the injured people with a click or call that connects them to some of the best Trial Lawyers in the country, right away. This is why, Chosen Lawyers is all about You, Your Families, and the Lawyers that Care. What we’ve envisioned and manifested at Chosen Lawyers is worth anything and everything to keep: because nobody else has it! Now You do; We all do! Why Settle for Less?

We can visit You at your home, office, hospital or anywhere you prefer—Fast & Free!
When it comes to Legal Matters, Time Matters.
Chosen Trial Lawyers are America’s most Powerful Advocates for Full Justice!
Know Your Rights & Responsibilities Right Away-Free!
Let’s go get ‘em!
Chosen Lawyers will represent you all the way to the mountain-top of Full Justice on a Contingency Basis. This is the only way that ordinary People can stand for their Rights against the Multi-Billion-Dollar Insurance Industry, Governments and other Mega Corporations, who have an army of Power-Lawyers under their command and control.