Amusment Parques Accidentes

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According to statistics about 8,000 children who are seriously injured  visit the emergency rooms of hospitals every year. Some of these injuries are catastrophic or fatal. Another 1,000 more suffer injuries on rides outside amusement parks, such as those found at local malls, restaurants, or arcades.  From reported incidents, 34% occur at locations where the rides were considered permanent; 29% happen on temporary structures; and 25% of the injuries are not categorized.  The most frequent injuries are to the head, neck, arms, face, and legs. Most injuries appear to be due to improper restraints or padding, or are caused by the child falling in or off the ride. Those injured on or by Amusement Rides may be entitled to recovery for their injuries, under Negligence and Products Liabilities Laws.

If you’ve been injured on any type of amusement ride or a loved one got killed, please click or call the Highly Accomplished, Credible and Compassionate Chosen Injury Lawyers. You can have a Private, Confidential and Secure LIVE CHAT Consultation with a Chosen Lawyer to assess your case FREE! Knowing your rights and responsibilities is the first step toward Full Justice.  Please remember, Fighting the Amusement Parks Corporations and their Insurance Corporations is not a walk in the park. It is hard work, smart planning and swift execution. Tasks that Chosen Trial Lawyers dealt with successfully many times before.


Under Tort of “Negligence” the plaintiff must prove the following elements in order to win his or her case:

A)  The Defendant had a legal duty to provide reasonable care.

B) The Defendant breached that duty by failing to conform to the relevant standard of care.

C) Actual Cause: But for the Defendant’s breach the plaintiff would not have been injured. 

D)  Proximate Cause (Legal Cause): It was reasonably foreseeable that the breach would cause the injury. In other words, it is legally just to hold the defendant liable for the plaintiff’s injury. It was not an unprecedented fluke! 

E) Damages: Under Negligence Tort there must be damages to recover. Such damages could be medical care, financial, emotional, pain and suffering, and so on. In other words, no damages, no recovery.

Under Tort law the employers are vicariously responsible for the acts or omissions of their employees. Therefore, if an employee of an amusement park is negligent, the injured party may sue the park for that employee’s actions. 


Some amusement park accidents are caused by defective equipment or components such as a seat, harness, bolt, cable and so on. Such defects could be defectively designed, defectively manufactured.
For example, the faulty design of a lap bar may cause the bar to unlatch mid-ride, so that the rider falls to the ground. Structural or design defects in the ride itself may give rise to defective product liability claims against the manufacturer of the ride or the maker of the defective part. In these claims, plaintiffs must prove that the structure, equipment, or part was defective and that the defect specifically caused injury or death to the victim. 

Amusement Park cases could be very complex. They may require expert witnesses, engineers, designers, investigators and Highly Accomplished Trial Lawyers with deep pockets and years of experience to deal with Amusement Park cases. Here at, we work with some of the most Credible, Capable and Compassionate Trail Lawyers in the country, from Start-to-Success.  And they always find the liable people and go for Maximum Compensation Available under Law. So go ahead click on Contact or call Chosen Lawyers at 1-888-365-0-365 for a FREE case evaluation. Because when it comes to dealing with Personal Injury Cases, Full Justice requires the Great Chosen Lawyers! 


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Elegido de Abogados litigantes de América son más Poderosos Defensores de la Justicia Plena!


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    Elegido Abogados representan a todos el camino a la cima de la montaña de la Justicia Plena en un Base De Contingencia. Esta es la única manera de que la Gente ordinaria puede defender sus Derechos en contra de la multimillonaria Industria de los Seguros, los Gobiernos y otros Mega Las corporaciones, que tienen un ejército de Potencia-Abogados bajo su mando y control.