Today’s marketplace is filled with thriving opportunities, if we tap into our infinite creativity, and courageously tread the pathless land of innovation. In other words, in today’s competitive landscape resorting to old yet trendy solutions for modern problems is akin to chasing our own tails. However, it is important to avoid the trendy use of the concept of “innovation,” as a “buzzword”. Instead, we must thoroughly understand what innovation means, and what its process is. For an idea to be innovative, it must be a useful tool in the resolution of a problem. Innovative Ideas do not have to offer major breakthroughs in the technological world or beat the empty drums of revolutionary business models. They can be featherweights of useful improvement in client communication and care. Innovation is the very foundation upon which Chosen lawyers is built: Tiny innovations that make huge differences in clients’ lives, and the art, science and business of great lawyering. If you are an “out-of-the-box” thinker or an innovative business person or a justice warrior, interested in offering us a business proposal, we love to hear from you. After all, everything starts with an idea. And as Victor Hugo said: “An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has arrived.” Thank You.